Emotion is energy in motion. 

Our body is 95% water, in constant motion.

When stagnation in emotion occurs, stagnation in motion follows. 

The lymphatic system is an under rated and under appreciated aspect of our circulation in our body. 

It basically is our sewerage system where our cells dump their waste. 

The lymphatic system begins in the fluid between the cells where the waste is excreted into. It then has its own channels that the fluid passes through, moving through the lymph nodes and then back to the heart. 

When the waste system is full, the cells are not able to rid themselves of any more waste, blocking any ability to detoxify, remain clean and work at an optimal capacity. 

Hence, the effects on the body are,

  1. Fluid retention, 
  2. Harmful substances and toxicity getting stuck in the body,  
  3. Decreases the effectiveness of the immune system, 
  4. Congestion in pelvis can lead to painful menstruation, endometriosis,
    cysts, adhesions etc for women.
  5. Men can experience enlarged prostrate and reduced sperm production.  
  6. Congestion around joints can lead to arthritic symptoms 
  7. Sluggish feeling throughout the body. 

And a blocked emotional state. 

In the Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage I work on moving the interstitial fluid, which is the fluid between the cells, emptying it so that the cells are able to release their back log. The fluid then moves into the vessels and the system has a flow again leading to better movement of fluid in the body, which leads to 

  1.  Better circulation,
  2. Detoxification in the body, 
  3. The body able to work at a more efficient level, 
  4. Decrease in fluid retention and maintains fluid balance, 
  5. More efficient immunity by preventing circulation of pathogens and storing and releasing lymphocytes to fight infection,
  6. Supports digestive system by counteracting infection and absorbing fat  

As well as releasing emotions that have stagnated in the body, sometimes for years…..


M: 0414866549
A: 14 Whittle Place Stirling  Western Australia

Second Location:
423 Sebbes Road, Forest Grove WA, 6286

Copyright 2020

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